Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 2-3-4

In March, we're really into busy season madness. If M works over 10 hours in a day, he'll sometimes bring home dinner provided by KPMG. It's been nice to not have to cook some evenings, and it's really helped our food budget! Dinner often lasts from about 5:30 to 7, with starting to feed Jay through M and I finishing after he gets home. Jay is growing and eating so much, I don't even know what to feed him sometimes. When he doesn't like the food option, we often go through three or four different things before he decides which one he wants. Hence, why dinner is a 90 minute adventure most evenings. 

We kicked off the month with Kylee's birthday weekend trip. She called and asked if me, Uncle M, and Jay could come. She was really insistent that Uncle M came along. She knew he would have to work, but I don't know if she realized just how much. Jason set M up with a work station, including two monitors and all the cords and charging capabilities M needed to work from there effectively. We went up Thursday evening because it was threatening snow Thursday late evening through Friday morning and we didn't want to get stuck. It was lightly pouring rain as I picked M up from his parents house. We were about 30 minutes into the drive and almost decided to turn around and come home, or pull off the road because the water was starting to pile on the road and our anxieties were rising. About that time, the traffic slowed to stop and slow-go, so we could see and all was good. Never have I been so grateful for traffic, and when we got through the stop and go, the rain had stopped and the roads were totally dry. We were blessed, and the Lord really heard our prayers. Friday was a fun day! Kylee opened her presents in the morning which brought the excitement into full swing. She got a rocket that shoots off with vinegar and baking soda, and we had a great time launching it. In the afternoon, after the kiddos woke up from naps, we went to the Rec Center to swim. Jay did great in the water, and enjoyed splashing, going down little slides, and walking around in the water. He even let Katey watch him so I could go down the big slides with the girls several times. I love water and waterslides! It makes me so excited for summer! In the evening after M finished work, we had a delicious taco dinner with chocolate crockpot cake for dessert. Yum! We finished the evening watching Descendants, a new Disney Channel movie that was really good! 

Kylee, Tia, Jay, Kade, Abby

Ready to launch the rocket!

Putting in the feul.

The boys loading up their truck with rocks. 


Saturday was another day of partying. We went to the park and walked all around. Jay loves the swings and could have stayed swinging the whole time. We ventured around walking, following cousins, and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. We shot off the rocket multiple times after M finished work, and got it stuck in the tree a few times too. My day got exponentially better once M joined the fun, and we were so grateful he came on the trip with us. In the evening, we played an expansion to Castle Panic with Katey and Jason. It was a close call, but we pulled it out! We had a great time playing! 

Everyone wanted to help Jay walk back to the car <3

Happy Jay on the swings


Fun on the metal tractor

We've had a few events church wise of note this month. First, we've been starting to meet with the sister missionaries every other week to participate in our Stake's Revelation Initiative. The sisters share a short spiritual thought, ask us how we want to reach out to those around us and pay attention to how God wants us to reach out and then the follow up with us on our commitments. Our meetings are short, and via zoom, and I am grateful we have the opportunity to have the missionaries "in" our home. Second, I am the counselor in the YW in charge of camp this year. We do have a camp director, phew! And, I still go to the meetings and relay information to the presidency. It will look different due to Covid, and I am excited to be able to support the planning and process to hopefully create some better experiences for camp than what I had as a youth. I think the last thing of mention is that I made an Easter wreath with the Relief Society. It was with fresh greens and so fun! My ministering sister taught the activity, and I loved my wreath. I was so sad when it froze and partially died, but we're still enjoying it on the door for as long as it hangs in there.

We also tried a few new things in March. First, I gave Jay his first haircut. He seemed a bit nervous, moved a ton, and we ended up with a pretty cute looking hair cut and no physical cuts, so it was a win!

The before pic, you can see his little hairs hanging over his ears.



And, running around in Daddy's shirt to try to distract him while Daddy was getting a haircut.

I also made jam with Grandpa's frozen raspberries, so yummy! We were out of the jam Grandpa had made us, and it was such a blessing to have some raspberries to make more. And, I attempted to make crepes for the first time, from scratch, gluten free. I was surprised they turned out so yummy! And, they were especially good with the fresh jam, berries, etc.

Crepes in the making...

SO good! Even M liked them! 

Yummy, jam!

We got a big snow storm in March, a snow storm that cleared out the grocery stores and caused panic. Potatoes and onions are normally here, all gone...all the salad, gone. Basically everything produce was gone and many other items, but luckily I was able to get most of what was on the list. Church was cancelled as the storm picked up Sunday morning. We did get a lot of snow, probably close to two feet by Monday when it stopped. Our nanny couldn't get out of her neighborhood, so we had to pass Jay between us for the day, which made things a little crazy. Of course, we also had to take advantage of the snow and the time off work and built a snowman on our porch. 

Very fun, snowball snow.


Feeling the snow, being buried in it.

I just stuck him straight into the untouched snow on our porch, and he couldn't move.

Me and Jay

Enjoying his wet gloves and his new hat - end of season wins at Walmart!

My co-worker from a past team decided she was going to leave LM and move her family to Texas. They sold their home in this extremely hot market, got almost 100k over ask, and left town. We had a little going away party at our house one Friday afternoon. It was so fun to see the old Leadership Development team. We had a great time catching up, and the team brought their little kiddos. Jay was all over the place, and loved hanging with the adults. He got his hand in my old boss's water, stole treats from the little girl, and emptied purses or anything else he could get his hands on. Such a funny kid!  

We've had our share of fun as a family this month too. In addition to the snow, we had some great weather days! One of those Saturdays, we convinced M to take a lunch break from work, and headed to the park. The sun was shining and it was so nice to be outside together! I also made a cute Easter garland with fabric from Grandma Blaylock. She is so kind to let me use some of her fabric, it's been a blast! We also celebrated Easter a little early with the last Sunday before Conference, and got in our matching outfits and took pics. Jay and M mimicked a picture they took 1 year ago on Easter, so cool to see how much Jay has grown in a year! 

Soaring Jay!
Sunny family photos! 

This is about the best photo we got. 

Jay loved the stroller and things inside the basket.

The garland

I need to get this photo next to the photo from last year!

The fam-bam.

Jay in his new digs.

To wrap up the month, we got to spend an evening celebrating Grandpa Blaylock's birthday at Mike and Jenna's! It was the first time we'd seen there house, and it is beautiful. We had a great time visiting, and Jay got more and more comfortable with his cousins. I am unsure how comfortable they felt with him, but they were good sports. 

Watching basketball and chatting.

Cambrie was so sweet with Jay! He loved it.

Jay wanted Tanner to put his blocks together over and over.

Cowboy Jay's first ride on a horse!

Jay had his 15 month appointment as well. He still only has his 4 teeth, two top and two bottom. He's jabbering a lot, but no real words other than Dadda. He discovered his personal love for looking at books, which sometimes leads to book destruction. And, he loves sour cream, almost as much as Papa...or maybe more, because he just can't get enough! 

The wild man woke up and pulled his arm out of his shirt.

He picked me some flowers, so cute :) 

Jay's been loving on this new teddy that my friend Rachel gave him.


Daddy fun

Static-hair was my life as a kid, and it will be Jay's too.

Just need some more sour cream here, please!

15 month appointment cuddles, so nice, and so sad. 

Don't you just love sleeping babies. He is cuddling his teddy, Beary. 

Busy season is mostly over and we have been so blessed! It's been a great month, with lots of fun. The last thing I'll mention is I started my coaching certification this month. It was three 10-hour days, fully interactive, and intense training. The self-reflection that happened during that module, was incredible. I learned of some "rules" in my life that I'd been carrying for a long time. The one I'll mention here is the rule that I believed if I succeeded it meant someone else failed. That belief stemmed from moving to a small town and literally taking the top seat in the class from someone, taking a friend from someone, taking a trophy from someone, taking a state title from someone, etc. It was a thread that was very real in my life, a thread that caused me to often not share my successes with people due to the belief that it meant someone else was failing. This realization has brought so much light into my life, as I have worked to start sharing more of my successes and happy times with people without feeling guilty. I want to celebrate the wins of those I love, and in turn I am sure they want to celebrate my wins and they can't do that if I don't share. We should all support each other more, because we all win! We win at different things every single day, and those wins deserve celebration. They are only big or small if we define them that way. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Month of Love

I've tried to be a little more festive this year for holidays. M loves decorations and getting into the holiday cheer, and I've wanted to do it on the cheap while still looking nice. For date night M and I made the first decoration, a heart garland, which I mentioned in the last post. I loved it all month long! The second craft I did was with the Young Women, we made Valentine gnomes. I didn't realize how popular gnomes were, but they are all the rage right now. We used two socks, lots of hot glue, rice and stuffing, ribbon, and anything else you wanted. I was so impressed with the girls, they had a great time and we enjoyed the evening doing an event in person and with a few girls on zoom too. 

Meet Hearty, the Gnome of the Blaylock Home

We have a hard time social distancing...but we had a great time having a great time!

We got to see Grandpa and Grandma a few times during the month. Grandpa watched Jay for us one evening when we had YM/YW in different places and doing activities that weren't too Jay friendly. Grandpa reported Jay was very good, and even brought his pajamas to Grandpa at 7:15 when it was time for bed. We also had Grandpa and Grandma over for dinner one evening, and it was the first day Jay walked! How awesome! I was just playing with him and trying to help him stand and then he just took like 10 steps! It is the neatest thing to see your child learn something new! From then on, I tried to get Jay to walk whenever possible, which I don't think he particularly loved. Grandpa came over another evening too and we played Agricola and had Hawaiian Haystacks. 

So awesome, February 6th, we have a walker!

Jay loves everything about Grandpa, he's got the coolest toys...i.e. watch, coat, glasses, anything Grandpa has, Jay wants too. 

Valentine's Day weekend was so great! We made a new Orange Chicken recipe together. I love cooking with M, it makes everything more fun! We then did a couple Madlibs about how we first met and had a great time laughing about those. On Monday, we hit up King Soopers for the 75% off candy and decorations to finish the celebrations. 

Such great deals, and decor for next year! 

Many evenings this month I have spent doing pre-work for my coaching certification workshop, it's due March 3rd. Busy season for M has actually helped me focus and get it done. Whenever he had to work after dinner, I did some pre-work. I completed over 120 pages of workbooks, mostly focused on self-reflection. It was pretty intense, and in all my reflection I realized that the people I love bring me the greatest joy. M, Jay, and all of our family members, they are who I get most energized by and who I want to spend my time with. It was a happy day to finish all the work and submit it. Doing this pre-work should help lighten the load a bit when the program starts. 

Busy season realities hit us throughout the month. M works most evenings, coming home to eat dinner with Jay and me, and then logs back into work until 9 or 10 at night. Then, on most Saturdays he has worked 6+ hours. It gives Jay and I a lot of time to play together, which is a huge blessing. And, we're both always very excited when M comes home or finishes his work day. I am grateful M is willing to work so hard and support our family! He's doing amazing at handling the pressure and Jay and I are so grateful for him. He's mostly enjoying work and learning a lot. He has a great team and they've been very supportive of him not working on Sundays. 

I spend most of the day on the ground and he crawls all over me.

Is it Momma or is it Jay? He thought this game was so funny! 
KPMG sent a snack box to help the accountants survive the season! M was excited!

One weekend M knew he'd be working most of Saturday, so I decided to go visit the Merrill's. I loaded Jay up in the car and headed out. We had a great day playing and visiting. They were pretty excited when they say Jay walk, I think the twins and Tia were the most excited. We went to the neighborhood park for about 15 minutes until the twins had to use the potty, so we ran home to be sure we didn't have any accidents. That evening, we watched the little neighbor kids. After we wrapped up dinner, it was starting to rain/snow. My anxiety had started to grow, but it got worse as I saw the water drops pile on the road and the rain turning to snow. After consulting with M, we decided it would be best if Jay and I just stayed the night. The Merrill's outfitted me with some PJ's, a pillow, and even a toothbrush. We had a fun evening watching Magic Camp and it helped me keep myself from missing M too much. We hadn't spent a night apart in over a year...the longest we've ever gone in our marriage being together! It was a blessing in disguise though, as he got to sleep in on Sunday morning after a very long day of work on Saturday, and I was in a much better mental, emotional, and physical state when I arrived safely home on Sunday morning. 

Dogpile on Aunt Katey!

Loving the swing

Kade and Jay - sharing some space, pretty soon they'll be too big for this

Kade is always trying to make sure Jay has what he needs.

Tinker Toy Sunday morning fun!

Another fun YM/YW activity we did over Zoom this month was learning to make salsa. I've never made salsa before, so it was really fun. We had a less active member teach the youth, and we followed along. The salsa turned out so yummy! I think we'll be making salsa a lot more, I have even thought about planting a salsa garden, we'll see though. 

I volunteered to play one of our date nights, and it was awesome! We built marshmallow towers and towers of cookies. I got a new cookie recipe from Jack and Lindsay, so we had to try it out. It was simple, made a lot of cookies, and was delicious! While the cookies were cooking, we designed and built our marshmallow toothpick fortress. Once you start sticking too many toothpicks into one little mallow, it starts to get flimsy. We did the best we could to build supports, and I think it turned out awesome. We had such a fun time doing it and enjoyed talking and laughing throughout the evening. I love living with my best friend and having the extra time on a Friday night during busy season with him. I also decided that the trick to a good marshmallow tower is to build it like you want, lay it down over night, stand it up, and then take the pictures. Your structure gets a lot sturdier the longer you wait! We didn't do this, but might do it next time!

Of course, Jay updates. Other than walking, he babbles all the time, says Dadda to everything and is started to be decently good at church. We've started sitting in the back and letting him roam free, it's helped so much and makes church better for everyone...not just us! He also finished all his formula, so we washed the bottles and packed them away! Woohoo! I also got the deal of my life on wooden blocks at Goodwill. They are hard wood and definitely homemade. They have such a cool wagon box to go in and Jay loves them!

Happy boy with his car.

Sporting his new bib that actually fits!

Jay LOVES the vacuum. I always thought kids were afraid of vacuums, but not him.

Jay loves the outside and the sunshine, can you tell? 

I spy a little Jay in our pile of laundry! 

One day I lost my slipper, it was stolen and taken to Jay's favorite drawer. 

Jay and Dadda on Valentine's Day

We had some beautiful sunshine, so we had to get out and enjoy! 

Look at this cute sweatsuit! 

 A lot of snow came too! 

Jay helping Dadda clean the floors, it was so cute.

More of Jay's favorite things.

The blocks!

So much fun building and knocking down towers.