Thursday, March 31, 2022

Pretend Spring Break

I am calling this post pretend Spring Break because we aren't in school and don't really get a Spring Break but we treated the past week like Spring Break. I loved Spring Break growing up! It always came a couple weeks after basketball season ended, and it truly felt like a break from everything. We never went on big trips, but enjoyed being home and time off our regular grind. Some of my favorite Spring Breaks were when Grandma and Grandpa Brady would come visit. We would clean and organize our room, make welcome signs, and look out the window every five minutes until they got there. I would always pray for snow storms so they would have to stay longer. When they arrived, we would grab their bags and take them to their room, and then take them up to our rooms to show them our newly arranged room, newly dressed dolls, etc. They were such good sports, and always seemed so pleased with whatever we were showing them. 

This past week is the first Spring Break I have been able to enjoy without work for years. We were lucky enough to have Roxy stay with us for the week. Jack and Lindsay took the other two kiddos to Washington DC for a week, and didn't know if Roxy would have been able to walk as much as is needed when touring DC. I am grateful we had time with her, and she was a super trooper! Our first big adventure was going to the Zoo! We bought passes with the Merrill's and carpooled down together. We got there around 10:30 in the morning and stayed until 5:30. All the kids walked everywhere except for Jay, and the twins took only a few rides in the wagon. We borrowed a little leash backpack from Katey, which turned out to be super helpful for when Jay wanted to get some exercise or go where the other kiddos were looking. It was his first trip to the Zoo, and he probably liked to look at all the people just as much as the animals. I loved seeing the Zebras, the chatting sea lions, and the baby gorillas playing games. We got 2 carousel rides for everyone, and we had two tickets left. The kids said Katey and I should take an adults only ride! 😆 So, we did and they all watched us go around which they thought was super cool! Except for Jay, he was pretty sad I left him...mainly because he was exhausted. We also purchased tickets for the train, but it was broken so the kids got to experience their first 4D movie, which was pretty cool. We were all exhausted when we finished the day, enjoyed mac n' cheese for dinner, and the kids hit the sack early. Everyone slept at my house, which was very fun! Kylee, Tia, and Roxy slept in the basement in our tent - and, eventually fell asleep. 

Tia, Abby, Kade, Roxy, Kylee (snakes)

Jay, Kade, Abby

Jay & Roxy

Tia, Kade, Jay, Roxy, Kylee (Penguins)

Abby, Roxy, Tia, Kylee, Kade, Jay (Gorilla)

4-D Movie Time!

This monkey came right up to Tia, and they all loved it!

Watch out for the crazy driver! 

We caught the end of the elephant show.

First carousel ride, Roxy was nervous and so was Jay!

2nd time when much better

Roxy & Tia

Me & Kylee

Katey & Me on the "adults-only" ride

All the kids cheering for us as we passed by. 

Jay actually pointed at something in the Tiger den

Friday the fun continued when all the kids woke up earlier than they should have for how exhausting of a day we had at the Zoo. We went to the nearby park with sand, and played until the kids were too hungry. Katey was going to leave during naps, but then decided to come back because she and the twins were pretty tired. Everyone enjoyed a show and a little rest time. Katey then took Roxy and Jay with her so Matthew and I could go to the temple. We left early enough to grab a quick bite in Fort Collins, and then did a session. I love being  in the temple, and feeling the peace that is always there. We made a quick stop on the way back to the Merrill's for ice cream and called it a date. We enjoyed our uninterrupted date night. 

Katey helping Abby

Tia, Roxy, Kylee

Saturday just brought more fun and good weather. Katey and I took all the kids to the park on bikes and played again until we were just too tired and hungry we had to come home. In the evening, I bathed the kids and went to our girls Bunco night - met some new gals in the ward, ate yummy snacks, and enjoying a night out. 


Jay leading the choo choo train

Kylee & Jay

New skill (check) - taking off shoes

If you're sitting, Jay will sit with you, no matter your size!

Monday was another gorgeous day, so Roxy, Jay and I hit up the animal park. We had so much fun, playing in the sand and running all around the playground for a few hours. If the sun is out, we are out! During nap time, I took a multiple hour nap. While I was making lunch, a major migraine hit. I could feel my head pounding, so when Roxy was happy to watch a show and Jay was asleep, I zonked out. Luckily, by the time Jay woke up I was back to functioning level. We came in from our second trip to the park and I asked Roxy to take her water bottle inside, and she said, "Why do I have to do everything for you?" I laughed, and kindly said she was doing it for herself and I was still doing a lot for her. 

Tuesday was the last day we had Roxy, and during breakfast Matthew told her that he was going to miss her. She said, "How will you miss me?...he said, "what?"...she said, "how will you miss me, you haven't been here?" It was a cut straight to the heart for M, and a little funny at the same time. I imagine our kids might feel the same way when Daddy is in busy season and they don't see him much. Over the week, these two became pretty good play buddies and enjoyed one another a bit more than in the beginning. Roxy was a great help during meal times, when she'd have enough going on in the play area to convince Jay to stay there and she always ate great at meal times which was a great example for Jay. Our house will feel a little quiet without her bubbly around. Jay even got to the point of letting Roxy read to him, which is an ability we are all trying to build. 

On a different note, I finally got to visit a family in their home as Primary president. I thought it was wonderful. The girls were so nervous in Primary, they are the only ones new to our reorganized ward. I took them their favorite candy bars, they played a little on the piano, and gave me hugs when I left. I was so happy to see them in their home, and they've seemed more comfortable in Primary ever since. 

To wrap, I went to my first book club. Taylor Stones invited me to come along to her house for the Book Club on Princess Bride. I had no idea there was even a book, but it is a book or movie club so all who want to participate can. I mostly observed and enjoyed the company of some really good ladies in the ward. As they were all throwing around names of different books for the next month, I realized I am quite uncultured in the way of book reading. I found my series as a kid, and never really went away from them...Nancy Drew, Louis Lamour, Mary Higgins Clark, Harry Potter, Work and the Glory, and C.S. Lewis in college, and self-help/leadership books with work. All super good, but not the classics people talk about in book clubs. I think I now have the reputation of not reading, which is partially true due to my recent decade of life working full-time and being in time for fun reading.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Beginnings of Spring

I love the beginning of Spring, a few days of warm warm weather and the hope that comes along with it. Of course, we still get a lot of snow storms in Colorado through April so you make the most of the great weather days. 

I will say the most exciting thing around here is Jay learned how to climb out of his crib. I'm surprised we lasted this long, and he's a professional now. I was getting ready for the day on Tuesday, and Jay opens up our door. I said, hi, but in my head was wondering when Matthew would be out...and he never came. Later I noticed Jay's humidifier and heater were on and his toys were scattered around the room. We always have him clean up before we take him downstairs...I quickly called to M and asked if he'd gotten Jay. Both of us thought the other one was pulling our leg by saying we didn't get him...and so it began. Jay didn't get out during nap time or a night that day, so I thought we were in the clear. However, the next morning he got out and then next day after nap time. I was still holding hope for nighttime, but when I called M on my way home from Presidency meeting and he was just starting to work, I knew we were in for it. Jay had learned, and there was no way to unlearn. I ordered a baby gate, we proofed the room after letting him loose during one nap and seeing what he emptied out of the closet, and now we're working on training him to sleep in his bed. It's an adventure, one time we even got him in the morning and he'd taken his pajamas off and likely woke up because he was cold. Two weeks into the big bed, he is usually choosing to sleep on his bed and most of the pillows and blankets are staying inside the room. 

First night in the big bed! 

First nap without Mama or Daddy next to him...

As for projects, I finally finished Jay's dresser! I love how it turned out, and it's super awesome because the drawers don't pull out. It looks great in his room with the dark walls. We are still working on getting the spray paint smell to takes way longer than I thought it would. I also recorded my final session for my coaching certification. I had to do a coaching session, 30 minutes only, record it and get it transcribed. They will grade it against a 3-4 page rubric and determine if I pass. It's all in, and I should know within 2-4 weeks. 

The finished product!

They adjusted all of our ward boundaries across the Stake this month. I went to that reorganization meeting not knowing if I would be released from my calling or not. We were sitting in front of the Bishop and when our ward was simply getting people and not changing much, the Bishop said, the Primary is probably going to double. Eeek!! I panicked a little, and then started to get excited, we could use the strength. Later, I found out we were only getting 3 new kiddos, girls in the same family. Regardless, we are excited to have them! I will say I am very grateful I didn't lose anyone in my presidency. One of my friends from the singles ward, from Austria, decided to move to Kentucky with her family so I held a little send off party for her at the Brighton Rec Center park. We had so much fun playing around and it's neat to see how much people grow and change within a few years. 

Riding the horse at the park!

We were so excited for Brad's family to come to town. We went down to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner, with all the Colorado family. Cambrie and Katelynn did a cute little dance, the whole crew did A-Tooty-Ta with Mike's lead, and Claire, Katelynn, and Elisse sang a beautiful song. Jay loved wandering around and watching everyone do whatever they were doing. At the end of the night, Jay was playing Boo with Kyle and Olivia and now he wants to play it with everything! His bib, a box, his shirt, a blanket, his food, etc. It's very cute. Tuesday we toured Hammonds Candy factory with everyone. We got to see the hard candy being made, which was pretty neat. We got a couple free candy canes, and while we were checking out Jay put a candy cane on the counter and I put it back, he got it again and the cashier just gave it to us for free - so nice! We said goodbye until July to our OK cousins, we didn't get enough time with them! 

Daniel, Jay, Ty - someday they will be best buds! 

Hugs before bedtime. 

Touring Hammonds

M and I did enjoy date night with Freddy's and playing Harry Potter. We beat level 7 on the first location, it was AWESOME! We thought at the beginning we were going to get demolished, but we quickly turned the tables and pulled in for the win! 

We also had a fun St. Patrick's Day, got an awesome trampoline at Goodwill, and have loved learning new things and playing around. Jay's making huge progress on focusing and a few new sounds. We are so grateful for him.