Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Another Week of Spring

I'm going to start with the basement update. Last week I mentioned we had purchase a bathtub, and when Uncle went to open it up and install, it was cracked. We took it back to Lowe's and returned it. They had two in stock, so we went to check it out. Both tubs were cracked in the exact same spot! The closest one we could find in stock was about 15 minutes away from Jay's chiropractor. We decided to go check it out that afternoon since Jay had an appointment anyways. When we got there, I couldn't find any on the shelf and neither could the store manager. With that, I determined we should return the shower walls and find another tub set completely. Friday morning, I put Hugh down and Uncle and I went to Lowe's. We had quite the adventure getting the shower walls back up the stairs, but we did and Uncle strapped them to the top of his van. Lowe's had one tub in stock that I thought I may want, even at the couple hundred dollars more price tag. Uncle and I opened up the boxes for the tub and it looked great! They had ONE set of matching shower walls, and when we opened those they looked good too! It was truly a miracle! I had prayed that morning we'd be able to find what we needed, and I know Heavenly Father was watching out for us. Tuesday we had our first inspection, they looked at the rough plumbing, electric, HVAC, and framing. We passed with flying colors! Uncle has to do a short term project at another house the rest of this week, so we're on a short pause. Next steps are insulation, followed with an insulation inspection, and then drywall! 

View from the office


Family Room

Furnace Room

For our date, I made my first batch of ice cream in my ice cream maker. It turned out soooo yummy! I don't think I waited quite long enough for it to freeze on day one, but the leftovers on Saturday were to die for. It was more of a vanilla custard and I mixed in peanut butter cups. We both loved it! 

Over the weekend, we were able to sneak in a few family walks after dinner. Matthew has been so good this busy season about disconnecting on his dinner breaks and giving us the best energy and life for a few moments. He'll chase the boys, give them rides, and make them laugh like no one else can. Jay is still 100% a daddy's boy and Hugh is still mostly a mama's boy but daddy is certainly close in the running. 

On Sunday, I attended my last ward council and was released after Primary during Sacrament meeting. I have loved serving, and it truly came at a time in my life when I needed the extra purpose, focus, and responsibility. When I accepted the calling, I was working part-time for Lockheed and now I've been retired for two years. I have grown so much, and have learned so much about myself. I love leading, it's one of the aspects of work I miss the most and I was grateful for a chance to lead in Primary for this time. That evening we had to divide and attend our respective family chats. Matthew called into the Blaylock's and I called in the Bryce's. I am grateful for technology that enables us to talk with each other over video, it's such a blessing! I love video calling people. It really does help me feel like I'm actually visiting and more connected. 

General updates on the boys, Hugh figured out how to open the back screen door. If you don't have it all the way closed, he'll wiggle his fingers in and open it. He hears the back door open and he's there before you know it. We've been eating strawberries every dinner this week because they were on sale, and they might be Hugh's favorite food. Hugh is also walking more and more, probably about 50%! Jay got some new sandals, they are a little too big, but he can't stop wearing them. He loves them, so we'll keep them and he'll be wearing them for a long time. 

Hugh wasn't peddling, but he loved walking around holding one handle and walking in circles. When I finally put him on the bike, he was sooo happy!

Hugh making his exit

Jay is looking more and more grown, this hat and his sandals must be adding to it! 

Jay and his new sandals! 

Matthew is pre-approved for his visa, so he'll be flying to LA next week to meet with the German consulate and then when we get his visa we'll be scheduling our flights! 

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